I know exactly how much challenging and puzzling time it can be before buying a new laptop. So if you’re really looking for a new machine then I’d recommend you go with a laptop that c... Read more
If you’re looking to buy a new laptop then it can be extremely overwhelming since there are countless models, series’, specs and brands. That’s why we have made this list where y... Read more
Doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, in the present time everyone needs a laptop or their studies and work might affect due to lack of resources. That’s a true fact; however, peo... Read more
If you are looking to buy a new laptop in 2013 then you have a huge number of options to choose from. With Windows 8 crashing all other operating systems due to new technology of touch scree... Read more
Laptop industry is evolving swiftly these days; trending terms are changing every month. Now is finally the time for ultrabooks after notebooks, netbooks, touch screen laptops and hybrid lap... Read more
At start when laptops were launched they used to be so big and expensive, but with time a lot has changed and today one can easily find a laptop in any size. But I’d say size is not so... Read more
With the official release of Windows 8 almost every laptop brand has started manufacturing touch screen laptops in huge amount. After big success of iPad and other Android tablets now everyo... Read more
So after waiting for a long time, finally Windows 8 has officially released and of course you can run it on your traditional laptop, but the best thing about Windows 8 is that, it is especia... Read more
Well, according to science men truly love blue color and women simply love pink. Pink color is mostly known as a love color and is extremely liked by girls. These days everyone owns a black... Read more
Well, for adults like us it can be really difficult to find a laptop for school kids since we don’t have much idea about their actual needs and requirements. So after a long vacation n... Read more